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This season the McLean Crew Club will row in four local regattas (usually all boats) and six out of town regattas (selected/qualifying boats only).  Below is information you need to know about each of the regattas.  Coaches will advise rowers whether they are rowing in each regatta and when they need to arrive.  


Every family is asked to fulfill at least one Regatta Volunteer job during the competition season. Regatta Volunteer Jobs are either:

  • VASRA volunteer jobs-these are job assigned to our club by the organizing body for high school rowing, Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association (VASRA) and include jobs to run the Regatta such as: concession sales, launch driver (for referees), dockmaster assistant, parking marshal, take down

  • McLean Crew Club Food Tent jobs – these volunteer positions are required so we can provide food and drink to our rowers (and parents) through the often long regatta days. Such jobs include: hauling food trailer to regatta, food tent set-up, food tent worker etc.


A link to each regatta's food signup will be listed below in the schedule as it becomes available.  A link to the VASRA jobs will be provided once assigned and the Sign-up Form is available. Thank you – the Regattas would literally not happen without your help!

Lake Lenape Sprints, May's Landing NJ

March 23, 2019

Varsity boys and girls only. One bus will leave promptly at 4:30 AM to make 9AM coaches meeting. Racing is 10AM – 1PM.  Fact Sheet Link.

4th Flick/Horvat

Philadelphia, PA

April 7, 2019

All boys will take one bus to Philadelphia, PA to the 4th Flick/Horvat Regatta on the Schuylkill River

TBC Tussle, Georgetown Waterfront (CANCELED)

April 20, 2019


VA State Championship (Varsity/Upper Boats)

May 11, 2019

All upper boats (Varsity) will carpool down to Sandy Run Regional Park on the Occoquan River.


St. Andrews Regatta #1, Middletown, DE

March 30, 2019

The entire team will travel on two buses to Middletown, DE. Fact Sheet Link.



TriMeet, Georgetown Waterfront

April 13, 2019

The entire team attends. Great regatta for grandparents and guests to attend due to parking, shops, and food options.

Charlie Butt Regatta​, Georgetown Waterfront

April 27, 2019

The entire team attends. Great regatta for grandparents and guests to attend due to parking, shops, and food options.

Stotesbury Cup

Philadelphia, PA

May 17-18, 2019

Select crews will travel to Philadelphia, PA for the Stotesbury Cup on the Schuylkill River.

Walter Mess, Sandy Run Regional Park, VA

April 6, 2019

The entire team attends. Parents and Rowers may organize carpools to Sandy Run Regional Park on the Occoquan River.

5th Flick/Horvat

Philadelphia, PA

April 14, 2019

All girls will take one bus to Philadelphia, PA to the 5th Flick/Horvat Regatta on the Schuylkill River

VA State Championship (Freshman/Novice)

May 4, 2019

All lower boats (Freshman/Novice) will carpool down to Sandy Run Regional Park on the Occoquan River.

SRAA Nationals, Dillon Lake, OH

May 24-25, 2019

Qualified crews will travel to Dillon Lake, OH.




Transportation:  The Club does not provide transportation to local regattas. Carpooling is recommended as parking is limited.


Arrival times: Arrival times at local regattas vary for the rowers and coxswains. Boat line-ups will be available around Wednesday nights and then arrival times set by the coaches after the regatta schedule is released (usually Thursdays). It is important that all rowers and coxswains arrive on time, which is sometimes 7am or earlier, or their boat will be disqualified and they will not be allowed to row.  Coaches will advise the rowers of the arrival times during the week preceding the regatta.

Regatta Schedule (aka Heat Sheets):  A listing of the days races is available a day or two before the regatta on and will be emailed. You can print the heat sheets out before the event or access them on your phone on the day of the regatta to figure out which boats are racing when. Regatta results will be available immediately following races on twitter @VASRAResults. 


Schedule: Regattas are all-day events and the rowers are expected to be there until the end of the regatta to take care of the equipment and support their teammates. If a rower needs to leave before the end of the regatta, the rower must let his or her coach know ahead of time.  Rowers may be expected to go to Thompson Boat Center (TBC) after the regatta, or on the following day,  to unload and rig the boats. Coaches will let the rowers know if this is required and when.


Food Tent: The McLean Crew food tent provides food for rowers throughout the day at all local regattas and there is no charge - it is expected that participating families will sign-up for food/drink contributions for each week.  Please review information posted at Food Tent and Nutrition for additional details on the McLean Crew food tent at local regattas. The food tent provides coach-approved food (e.g., no dairy before races) and they don’t have to pay separately.


The MCC Food Tent serves as a gathering place for the rowers and parents before/between races. See additional information under each venue. 

Rower Gear: How to dress and what to bring:

  • Rowers must have their Uniform: unis/tanks and tech shirts, with them or they will not be able to row. This is a VASRA/regatta rule (though sometimes lifted for extreme weather). For emergencies a limited number of extra uniforms are kept on the food trailer. 

  • Rowers should be prepared for all weather conditions. It can be freezing in the morning and blistering hot in the afternoon. It can be rainy and muddy. Headgear can be worn and is usually advised and often coordinated within a boat.

  • Rowers should bring and apply sunscreen prior to their race, rain or shine, because you may sit on the water anywhere from 10 minutes to 1.5 hours.

  • Rowers should bring reusable water bottles and all rowers should be well hydrated prior to arrival.  Bulk water will be available at the food tent.  Disposal water bottles will not be supplied.

  • In their duffle bags, rowers should include: running shoes for warm up runs, a change of clothes and comfortable shoes for after the races. Sunglasses are also recommended.



Parking:  Onsite parking fee has increased to $20 per car at Sandy Run, and can involve shuttle buses to the venue within the park area. Once on-site parking is full there is a $5 remote lot that is 5 miles away with a shuttle bus - this can add significant travel time so plan accordingly.  See DIRECTIONS for more information and Sandy Run Map

Parking updates on Twitter #VASRAParking

Viewing: The viewing grandstand at Occoquan/Sandy Run, where spectators can see the racecourse,  is about a 1.5 mile hike from the parking lots and launch area where we gather at the MCC Foot Tent. Bring comfortable shoes for the hike on a forest trail, with some steep inclines. There is a shuttle bus to the viewing area that costs $3 but the lines can be long and intended for those in need.

The viewing grandstand can get crowded at the larger events, its partially exposed so wear raingear if rain is predicted and bring sunscreen and sunglasses in any event. There are places on the grass to set up folding chairs, so plan accordingly and consider bringing a folding chair for backup.

There are bathrooms near the viewing area and VASRA concessions available for sale near grandstand. Binoculars are a good idea as well as reading materials or hobbies to occupy yourself between events.


Food Tent:  McLean’s food tent and team gathering spot is between the parking lots and the launch dock (usually the first position on the left side of road as you walk towards the launch docks). This is where the rowers meet, rig the boats, prepare for races and then proceed to the launch area in preparation for a race. The race finish is at the grandstand as mentioned under viewing, a 1.5 mile hike from food tent area. See Sandy Run Line Map or Sandy Run Aerial Map for marked location. 



Parking: for regattas on the Potomac River is limited.  There is on-street parking, usually metered, and private lots.  Parking in private lots.  


Viewing:  The finish line for regattas on the Potomac River is the Washington Harbor complex.  There are no stands.  We recommend that you bring a folding chair. 

Make your tax deductible gift today

We depend on support from generous individuals like you to help fund our rowing program for McLean High School students. Your gift helps our program purchase shells and launches, pay for bus transportation and regatta fees, and keep dues as low as possible. Thank you for your generous contribution.

McLean Crew Club, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization
Our Federal Tax ID # is 54-1834730

 Our VA Tax Exempt form is HERE

Our VA Solicitation Exception is HERE

PO Box 7104

McLean, VA 22106

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