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Registration (Due by March 19)


Step 1: Submit Payment

Submit payment through the online store by clicking here (link TBD)


Step 2: Complete FCPS Field Trip/Parental Authorization (Mandatory)

Both parent and student are required to the field trip authorization form. When you click the button below, you will be prompted to enter Name and Email address for your student. Your student will receive an email to use DocuSign to electronically sign forms. Most fields on the form are prepopuled.


Do not use a email address because FCPS blocks all external emails


PLEASE follow up with your rower to ensure he/she receives the email and completes the signature. 




Step 3: Complete Medical Authorization Forms (Optional)

The following forms are required by FCPS for Over the Counter (OTC) and Prescription (Rx) medications, Epi-Pens, or Inhalers that your child will need to bring to practice at TBC. OTC medications require a parent signature on the medical authorization form.  RX medications, EpiPens and Inhaler authorization forms require a doctor’s signature.

We will collect forms and medication (RX and OTC) one week prior the date of departure. A chaperone and/or coach will collect all OTC and RX medications in a zip lock bag with your rower’s name on it including the medical authorization form and medication. Keep in mind that we cannot provide your child with any medication, including ibuprofen or acetaminophen, unless you have a signed form and have turned in the OTC/RX medications.  All rowers authorized to carry Epi-Pens and Inhalers may keep those RX meds on their person, however an Epi-Pen and/or inhaler authorization form must be completed and on record with MCC.


Step 4: Submit Paperwork

Forms can be handed in at the March 13th Membership Meeting or dropped in the Activities Office Crew mailbox before March 19th.


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