This season the McLean Crew Club will row in two away regattas. Below is information you need to know about each of the regattas. Coaches will advise rowers whether they are rowing in each regatta and when they need to arrive.
Every family is asked to fulfill at least one Regatta Volunteer job during the competition season. Regatta Volunteer Jobs are either:
VASRA volunteer jobs-these are job assigned to our club by the organizing body for high school rowing, Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association (VASRA) and include jobs to run the Regatta such as: concession sales, launch driver (for referees), dockmaster assistant, parking marshal, take down
McLean Crew Club Food Tent jobs – these volunteer positions are required so we can provide food and drink to our athletes (and parents) through the often long regatta days. Such jobs include: hauling food trailer to regatta, food tent set-up, food tent worker etc.
A link to each regatta's details will be listed below in the schedule as it becomes available. A link to the VASRA jobs will be provided once assigned and the Sign-up Form is available. Thank you – the Regattas would literally not happen without your help!